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Through virtualization, Peak 10 allows businesses to run multiple instances of their servers on a single physical box, reducing hardware and space requirements, optimizing server utilization and providing higher levels of availability for an organization’s IT infrastructure. Leveraging its Microsoft Gold and VMware partnerships, Peak 10 combines its secure network, high-tech data centers and portfolio of managed services with localized engineering and support to serve market-leading companies nationwide.
Resellers Panel Releases Major Upgrades
Fri, 25 Apr 2008 14:33:36 +0000
Webhosting company, Resellers Panel, in celebration of its fifth anniversary in business, has debuted major upgrades to its hosting platform, including a new file manager, multi-currency billing solution, and multi-store functionality solution.
In addition to the default store, resellers have the opportunity to create up to three more, entirely independent of each other, free reseller web ...]
Summit Registration
Wed, 17 Sep 2008 14:24:38 -0800 posted a photo:
This is a way you can make yourself stick out like a sore thumb in a good way. Not like that time you wore the sombrero to your high school reunion.
Ix web hosting uptime for July 2008
Sat, 09 Aug 2008 15:34:30 +0000
Ix web hosting uptime for July 2008: 99.752% over the Internet
For the month of july 2008, ix web hosting uptime recorded at 99.752% over the Internet. A little below the 99.9% service uptime guarantee. Previous month uptime is at 99.8% above. This month watch some 17 service downtime/failure and all of them are minor service ...]
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Mon, 21 Jan 2008 21:28:03 +0000
Today`s suggestion:
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Easy CGI Now Offers Linux VPS Hosting!
Thu, 15 May 2008 17:02:15 +0000
Take advantage of the latest VPS product offering by Easy CGI. Featuring the Plesk Control Panel and Fedora Core 7, this new line of services provide a cost effecient and powerful hosting solution.
VPS Hosting provides the most cost efficient solution for server administrators and web hosting companies looking to resell hosting services. Host unlimited domains ...]
Agree or disagree?
Utilizing Affiliate Programs to Increase Revenues
Mon, 03 Jan 2005 00:00:00 EST
Entering into affiliate co marketing agreements can be a great way to boost revenues and to provide complementary services to your customer base.
I learned about the IDC storage paradox on Zoli Erdos' blog. Zoli mentions this Associated Press article, which cites IDC's estimate that "the world had 185 exabytes of storage available last year and will have 601 exabytes in 2010. But the amount of stuff generated is expected to jump from 161 exabytes last year to 988 exabytes in 2010".
Even more alarmingly, Dan Farber over at ZDNet reports that according to IBM, "the world's information base will be doubling in size every 11 hours" by 2010. Does this mean that on Jan 1, 2011, our 988 exabytes of data will double to 1,976 exabytes by 11am, and 3,952 exabytes by 10pm?
Fortunately, we don't need permanent storage for all the data we generate. For instance, spam accounted for just 8% of all emails in 2001 (said CNet); its volume rose to 36% by 2002 and 66% by 2004 (MSNBC), and is expected to exceed 90% by the end of this year (IT News). That's a huge amount of data that isn't being saved.
Still, Rich D'Ambrise from Maxell says he expects significant growth in data archiving requirements: in 2007, we will back up 75% more data than we did in 2006. But unlike IDC analyst John Gantz, he's not concerned that we'll run out of space. The storage industry is not standing still. Maxell, for instance, is beta testing 300 GB holographic disks that are no bigger than a DVD, but offer 63x more capacity. 800 GB second generation disks should be on the market by next year, and a 1.6 TB version is planned for 2010. And let's not forget stacked volumetric optical discs (SVOD); each 92-micrometer layer stores up to 9.4 GB. Available storage capacity will absolutely keep up with demand; no question about that!
The real issue is, will we store our zettabytes of data on- or offline? Rich is betting on removable media; he'd rather have mission critical data in his own possession than depend on any service provider. Zoli, on the other hand, says online is more efficient. By sharing/linking to files, we won't each need space for our own copies of the same content. Sun CEO Jonathan Schwartz says offline storage is greener ("when data's at rest, it consumes no electricity") - and easier to transport on a large scale. (As the New Yorker points out, if you made tiny chariots with DVD wheels and hitched them to snails, you'd get faster data transfer speeds than DSL.)
So, what's this got to do with web hosting? For one, you should probably monitor your oversold disk space closely. At the moment, I'm sure hardly any of GoDaddy's $7 hosting customers are using their entire 100 GB quota. But if you consider Rich's 75% growth projection, the number of customers that same 100 GB is allocated to may have to come down.
PS - Here's a GigaOM post on a 10 more fun storage facts.
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Going green with vps hosting
Thu, 31 Jul 2008 23:09:52 +0000
The green buzz is being exploited all over the web and abroad lately. What does it mean to be green exactly?
ok thats not what I meant, but kermit would be proud nonetheless. It means having little or no impact on your environment in short. Consider the materials needed for all the computing and server parts ...]
Labels: java web hosting reviews
Make Money with Reseller Web Hosting – Or Not?
Mon, 23 Jun 2008 12:38:29 +0000
Some people claim to make a fortune from Reseller Web Hosting without any effort. Even though this sounds good I for one don’t believe it. Of course, there’s money to be made but just because you’ve invested money in the web hosting business it doesn’t equal that you’ll see any return on it.
“Get rich quick” ...]
Large Hadron Collider - Big Bang
Wed, 10 Sep 2008 20:50:18 +0000
Large Hadron Collider
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC for short) is man kind’s most ambitious scientific project to date, and aims to find out what we don’t yet know about the Big Bang. The large machine aims to create conditions similar to that around just after the Big Bang itself, with the main objective of identifying ...]
Peer 1 Server Admins go Behind the Wheel
Sat, 16 Aug 2008 14:13:22 +0000
How fast is your hosting support? Well Peer 1 has recently brought that challenge to a whole new level. They recently sponsored two of their system administrators in the 24 Hour LeMons race.
For more information on the race, and to check out some gallery pictures, check out this link: The 24 Hours ...]
Liquidweb Reviews
Mon, 02 Jun 2008 08:52:28 +0000
Liquidweb dedicated servers have been reviewed again and apparently Liquidweb was able to impress the author with great web hosting support and service. We have talked about Liquidweb in the past as well and it seems like that the guys over WHRKit are seeing the same things we are seeing. Liquidweb keeps the bar pretty ...]
Original post blogged on b2evolution.
Web Hosts Cope with Hurricane Ike
Mon, 15 Sep 2008 00:00:00 EST
September 15, 2008 -- ( <> WEB HOST INDUSTRY REVIEW) -- Data center and web hosting providers in Texas were battoning down the hatches on Friday for Hurricane Ike, the latest in a series of tropical storms to hit the US during the ever-turbulant hurricane season.
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